Governement Relations


Charles DeWeese Construction, Inc. is actively engaged in government relations activities at all levels of government: federal, state and local. How our government makes decisions and who make these decisions, affects our employees, our company and our industry every day.

CDCI believes it is wise and prudent to aggressively invest in our nation’s transportation infrastructure. A robust, well maintained transportation infrastructure network is the backbone of our national economy. Our elected officials as all levels of government, from the President of the United States to local town council members, determined how investment in transportation infrastructure is made and how much is invested. There are often tough choices to make. Our federal, state and local governments and the people we elect to office make decisions all the time that impact our company and our industry.

CDCI supports activities in the government relations arena to assist in educating our employees about issues that affect our company and our industry. We encourage our employees to be involved in the political process, to educate our elected officials about industry issues, and to participate in the process by voting for candidates of their choice. We want our elected officials to understand our business and our nation’s transportation needs.
Politics and decisions made by elected officials impact our business, our jobs, and our lives every day.

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